Episode 5. Shamanic Astrology & the Intent of the Soul's Journey with Daniel Giamario

Daniel Giamario is the founder and president of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School™ and creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ — also known as The Giamario Approach™. He joins together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Religion, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations and extensive world travel.

Daniel learned astrology in the late 1960s and was part of Dane Rudhyar’s transpersonal astrology movement in the 1970s. After a vision quest experience on Mount Shasta in 1981, his astrological vision and spiritual path became more Earth-centered, and a shamanically-oriented astrology was born.

For many years, his specialty has been connecting astrology to the night sky at secluded locations and sacred sites in an “As Above, So Below” direct experience. He has been a full-time astrological consultant since 1984 and currently has a large mentoring practice and an apprenticeship program.

This astrology has evolved as a rich blend of psychological, mythological, spiritual, and shamanistic elements — specifically designed to assist in the unfoldment of the individual’s life purpose and in navigating this pivotal point of the Turning of the Ages.

He has written two books — The Shamanic Astrology Handbook and Origins of The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm — as well as The Shamanic Astrology Divination Card Deck.

Daniel lives with his wife, Lynne, in Southeast Asia. His passions are the growing of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School™’s body of knowledge, further evolution of The Giamario Approach™, and continued research to obtain answers to his life-long question — “Who are we and what has happened?”

You can explore Daniel’s website at: https://turningoftheages.com/

And, be sure to CLICK HERE to claim Daniel's free gift to you — Introduction: Basics of Astrology course that describes the astrological paradigm that Daniel has created over the years.

CLICK HERE to watch my previous interview with Daniel, called Six Converging Timelines at a Great Turning of the Ages.

Highlights & topics covered in this episode:

7:17 – What is the Shamanic Astrology paradigm?

11:15 – The Lunar Standstill that occurs at Callanish in Scotland

16:35 – The Moon as lineage in the birth chart, based on Shamanic Astrology

18:45 – Why the positions of Venus and Mars in your chart are extremely important

24:50 – The importance of the South Node in your birth chart

25:58 – Why the Whole Sign House System is key to Shamanic Astrology & understanding the evolution of the soul

33:35 – The critical piece that’s been missing in our conversations about the Aquarian Age and Pluto in Aquarius

35:30 – How to find the core intentions of the soul in a birth chart

44:18 – The meaning of Jupiter in your chart, particularly based on Chinese and Indian astrological traditions

47:10 – The rite of passage that occurs when we are 11 or 12 years old, at the first Jupiter Return

49:15 – What are we meant to do now, at this time of great change?

And so much more!

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists


Episode 6. Tired to Thriving - Astrology for Living Your Dream with Taylor Shuler


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